The Indian Police is really getting high tech.
Was there a site called Bhuvan? Who cares and looks at it. It is the Google Map which rules man.
But police has taught some other lessons to the public. The Public is of the firm belief that Indian police has a knack to make an innocent person to accept a crime which he could not do in next ten births.
There is a popular story about it. It goes like this
Once there was a competition among the police teams of different countries. The police of America, Canada (Mark this country, it has a very clear understanding at least of Punjab Police), UK and India. In the competition, the event was that a tiger was left out in a jungle. The police teams were sent out in the jungle to locate the tiger. So, when the competition begun, first Canadian police was given the chance. A tiger was left out in the jungle and Canadian police was sent behind the beast. The Canadian police brought back the tiger with in twenty four hours.
Then UK police was given the chance to demonstrate their abilities. The UK police returned within eight hours with the tiger. The American Police was sent with the same task. The American police returned with in an hour. (BTW, where is Osama?) . Finally, the Indian police got the chance. They returned after a week along with a monkey. The organizers asked about the tiger. The Indian police told that it was the same tiger who had changed his shape in order to hide.
The police officer from India assured them and said, You can ask him.
Then another Indian Police Officer (Not Sunny Deol) raised his voice and questioned the tiger in his police wala tone, "Tell then who you are."
Then the miracle happened. The monkey roared and spoke.
Money spoke, "Yes sir, I am the same tiger. I have changed my form to hide from them. It is true sir."
The organizers were not impressed. They raised the doubt. The Indian Police Officer pulled out a copy of "Origin of Spices" by Darwin and read out a page where it was written that how in order to survive some species change their forms. The Book was published in India.
With full regards to the Google Search, Google Maps, Google Earth, Google Images, Google Books and last but not the least the Indian police, kindly read out the following post.
Dogs, not Sri Sr Ravi Shankari, were the target -
The heading is funny. DNA should not choose funny headings.